Monday, May 11, 2009

Monday Thoughts

Sorry Took April off to help Discover Point get into the New building. I'm back I hope for good.

I am going to take a page out of my good friend David Collinsworth's book and do a quick review of the past week's service on Monday. Mine will come from a production point of view.

1. Good service, a few visitors. Lots of people filled out communication cards. That is a win my book.

2. Most of my production people are new and are all learning the new equipment (as am I) Rusty my lighting guy did a great job and Matt was very attentive to sound. His ears are getting better!

3. Band preformed Two Hands by Jars of Clay. They did a great job.

4. We announced "Play Groups" yesterday with a lot of positive feedback!

5. Momentum is a funny thing. Right now we have it but it feels like if we let our guard down for a minute we would lose it. NEVER GET COMFORTABLE
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