Monday, August 31, 2009

Sunday Look back 8-30-09

Let just say I love DPC and I love what God is doing in our church and in our community.

1. Retro is such a fun idea and the basics is such a needed topic it all worked well.

2. Flow was off to me some how. I like smooth traditions the whole service felt choppy to me.

3. My lighting guy was having a tough week and still managed to do a great job. Yal please pray for Rusty he is trying to do one of the hardest things there is to do in life!

4. Let me just say that I love having the robotic lights back not only are they fun but they add so much to the service!

5. Joe Matt and Rusty pulled off a pretty tough week!

6. When Jeff speaks I used to always feel like I was getting lecture from one of my high school teachers. The past 4 times I have heard him his style has grown on me.

7. I love the "Jesus is my friend" clip that video trips me out everytime!

8. Kids Jamm was Fun!

9. Yes I got pudding up my nose to make my kids laugh!

10. Yes I can still small the milk 24 hours later.

See you all next week for the second week of Retro!
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