Tuesday, March 3, 2009

Top 10 Tuesday

Evey Tuesday I list 10 of my favorite things in a category so can get know me a little better and maybe learn something.
Today's list is my top ten favorite online services. These are services that are provided online and for the most part are free.

1. Google Reader- All of your feeds one place. The best feed reader out there if you ask me which nobody did.
2. Evernote- There Slogan is remember everything and they really do help you remember stuff
3. Remember the Milk- Speaking of Remembering. This task list will email and text you as many reminders as you like. Great Iphone app too
4. Gmail- Now we have come to the Google portion of this list. Gmail is my mail service and I would not have it any other way.
5. Google Docs- Microsoft Office Online wherever you are! Kind of.
6. GCal- My online Calendar and Planner
7. Ebay- Sell your stuff and get cash. Now if they could just lower those fees.
8. Paypal- More than just Ebay payments trust me.
9. Blogger- I know there are other blogging sites this is just my favorite.
10. You send it- Large Email attachments? You send it will send them all.
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