Thursday, July 16, 2009

Thursday Tip

I had a friend ask me today how to share Youtube videos on Facebook and Twitter. Youtube has made sharing its videos very simple.

When you upload a video it gives you the opportunity to share that video on Facebook, Google Reader and Twitter. Once your on the screen to upload your video you should see the links to connect to Facebook, Google reader and Twitter. Simply use the links to sign on to your accounts and your done. Every time you upload a video it will let all of your friends know, so they can watch it.

If you want to share some one else video you can do this by clicking the share link under the video screen. You will find links to several social networking sites. Click on the one you want use. Sign into your account follow the prompts and the video will be uploaded.

To embed a video on your blog, copy and paste the code next the word embed on the right of the video. Then find the HTML section of you blog and paste the code.

Hope this helps
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