Monday, June 15, 2009

Sunday look back 6-14-2009

1. What an awesome day! What an awesome God

2. Production went well, Band as always did a great job.

3. Had a first time sound guy watching the board. He did a great job.

4. Daniel our intern ran the computer and again did a great job. Thanks guys for filling in!

5. Found out I was losing the 2 volunteers who have been with me the longest. God is moving them out to Arizona. No matter what it is always hard to lose loyal volunteers.

6. One prayer video sermon went well. How could you not like a sermon that included Contra, Frogger and Mike Tyson's Punch Out?

7. Had you forgotten how great your God is?

8. Daddy is bigger than the bug!

9. Next week Brien Duke is leading and he has an awesome set list ready for you! I am really excited about the first song! Don't be late

10. Perry Noble speaks next week. If you have never heard Perry speak please you don't know what you are missing

11. Baptism Celebration Yesterday and close to 20 baptized (I lost count after awhile). Just another reminder of how GREAT our God is!
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